Some airlines want a tour code when booking, along with the commission info. Can the commission manager take care of that, or is that something we need to sort out ourselves?

Right now, the commission manager doesn't handle that. To get it working, we'd need to dive into some custom development.

In terms of pricing, what qualifies as a transaction? Is it a booking where a commission is added through the commission manager?

It's every CM call for existing booking.

If a booking is later canceled, would that transaction still be counted?

Even if the reservation is canceled, there's still a minor fee for utilizing the CM service.

Can we receive a report detailing the number of transactions? If so, how frequently is this report available, or is it something we can generate ourselves?

In general, we bill annually and include a detailed report with each invoice.

Is the pricing on the Product site specific to the Smartpoint plugin or does it also cover the API?

It's the same for both

Is there anything else we need to have besides Travelport+ access?

Nothing else required.

Last updated