6. NDC

Would you like us to add NDC content on your GOL IBE frontend?

Good decision!

What would it mean for you ? Not a lot!

  1. Just provide us with the list of NDC carriers.

  2. Make sure that there is online payment method (credit card) enabled on your frontend.

  3. When we get this list we will tell you how to apply for this content. Actually you will have to deal with each carrier directly.

  4. As soon as your deals would be set up. You would provide us with certain credentials that we set up in our system.

  5. You send us small amount ( from 100 - 300 EUR) that will be used as a deposit for using channel via which this content is published. This channel is Travelfusion. Each transaction requires small fee to be paid to Travelfusion.

  6. We will take care of connecting requested NDC on your GOL IBE frontend.

For more details just feel free to contact us at: helpdesk@cee-systems.com

Last updated