Here you will get to know how to handle list of available carriers on your search form.
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Here you will get to know how to handle list of available carriers on your search form.
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We provide your frontend with certain list of carriers. It may happen that you will miss some of them or you would want to hide some. Below you may get to know how to handle the list of carriers that appear on your search box.
How to HIDE carrier on your frontend
1) Log into the admin console.
2) Go to the section Code list - Carriers .
3) Insert carrier code you would like to hide into the section Carrier code:.
4) Press button COPY ( you will see it on the right side).
5) Tick button HIDE by content you would like to have it hidden for. GWS, Travelfusion, Lowcost).
GWS - GDS and basic content on your front-end.
Travelfusion - TF content
Lowcost - TF content
6) Save changes.
How to UNCOVER carrier on your frontend
1) Log into the admin console.
2) Go to the section Code list - Carriers .
3) Insert carrier code you would like to hide into the section Carrier code.
4) Press button COPY ( you will see it on the right side).
5) Untick button HIDE by content you would like to have it hidden for. GWS, Travelfusion, Lowcost).
GWS - GDS and basic content on your front-end.
Travelfusion - TF content
Lowcost - TF content
6) Choose your agency name in section Dealer:.
7) Save changes.
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